
Vernon Coleman, Endgame, excerpts


Agenda 21
Under the auspices of the World Economic Forum, the United Nations and a bunch of unelected billionaires and officials, politicians and policymakers around the world are determined on creating a global technocracy and introducing what they call the Great Reset or the Global Reset – a crude form of social engineering designed to manipulate and ‘own’ every citizen on earth. The world we know now, in 2021, is just a taste of what we can expect in the future.
The aim of those following Agenda 21 is to create their own version of a Utopia, a global technocracy with a guaranteed income for every citizen and a system of reward, punishment and control modelled on China’s social credit system. Global warming is the excuse. Once the Global Reset has been completed citizens will be monitored. Those who behave well will be rewarded. Those who fail to comply with the orders they are given will be punished and excluded from much of society. Agenda 21 is organised, legalised corruption.
The plan is to remove all signs of human dignity; with every piece of dignity disappearing too slowly for most people to notice. The people who have planned this coup rely on the mass of people being too busy, too distracted, too complacent, too lazy and too fearful to realise what is happening. And they know that they can ensure that those who speak up can be smeared, demonised and dismissed as right wing conspiracy theorists.
The result will be that individuals will be forced to submit to the tyranny of a technocratic state with so-called, self-appointed experts managing every aspect of human life. Our behaviour will be controlled in minute detail and we will be forced to be dependent on the State.
This is tyranny on a scale never known before, and the events of 2020 were planned to give governments an opportunity to force us to obey and become accustomed to a ‘new normal’ in which all individuality is suppressed and the power of the State (and its self- appointed functionaries) is everything.
The fact is that everything strange, bad, restricting and destructive that has happened in the last three decades is a result of Agenda 21.All of those things which happened, but which seemed wrong, inexplicable, damaging, unnatural and unreal, were a result of Agenda 21. Most of them occurred without even the slightest nod towards democracy since the crucial decisions were made by individuals working for the UN, the EU or the World Economic Forum, by huge, powerful Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) with staff on million dollar salaries, by quangos and by regional parliaments and so on – none of whom was staffed by individuals who had been elected.
Our lives have steadily deteriorated in every notable way. Health care, education, increased taxation (local and national), rapidly deteriorating services, reduced standard of living and increased corruption.
Campaigns demanding more rights for homosexuals and transgender individuals have created conflict, broken up the traditional family unit, done a great deal of permanent harm to religions and will have the acceptable by-product of helping to reduce the population. Doubters and those who object can easily be demonised as homophobic or transphobic.
Fear and confusion have been caused by deadly warnings and by constantly changing advice and impenetrable laws. None of this has been accidental. All trust and sense of fair play and decency have been eradicated. (Ironically, it is inevitable that the destruction of fair play and trust will lead many young people to become rebellious and to stand up against authoritarianism. But that is some way ahead and the rebellions will be quashed ruthlessly.)
Kindness and dignity are the main currencies of value in private life, and honesty, trust and honour are the only currencies of value in public life. Tragically, these qualities have, for years, been steadily devalued and in the last few months they have been shot, knifed, stamped on, kicked, spat on, shredded and attacked with brutal disregard for sense or sensibility. There is no grace, no serenity and no soul among our new leaders who have, without ever being elected to anything, clawed their way through life with their progress based on deceits built on avarice and jealousy. As a result, millions now consider themselves to be refugees in their own countries. Tony Blair (who is, in my view, quite possibly the most evil man in modernhistory), Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson are reported to have called for the creation of a global bureaucracy with more power than the World Health Organisation – all part of the end of sovereignty and nation states.
What happened in 2020 was merely the culmination of years of common purpose, quangos, civil servants, corporate insensitivity and local planning.
Nothing happened by accident.
Much of the rest of this book simply explains the full consequences of these plans, what the new normal will look like (unless we call a halt to it) – and how the United Nations plan will affect every aspect of our lives.